Star Wars: Threads of Destiny
Star Wars: Threads of Destiny (2014)

Star Wars: Threads of Destiny

(49 votes)





The only external sources relevant to how we understand the Star Wars fiction are the view of George Lucas and Lucasfilm. Creators of Star Wars have almost total control over how fans should interpreted the works of fiction.

I could not believe what I was watching for the first few minutes, as I kept expecting that this was going to be Lego, or that badly cell-shaded animation. Then bop like that you see that this is a real live human acted movie, and it is a full hour, and forty plus minutes long.

For a fan film, this is a huge undertaking I bet. I found it not so well executed, as the acting, directing, screenplay, script are mostly amateuristic.

For an amateur Fan Film this is top notch. The special effects are well done, though the same problem most fan films have shine through in the story and acting.

If you want to be impressed by special effects on-the-cheap, then this is the movie for you. Provided you watch less than 10-minutes of it.

This has been in production for a long time, around 8 years or so, it was finally finished in 2014 for the world to see with the collaboration of many talented people across the globe. Rasmus Tirzitis, gets some props for being able to keep everyone together to finally finish this fan film.

I've just stumbled over this film here on IMDb, downloaded it and gave it a go, despite the rather bad reviews. And I sat there, totally awed by what I saw.

First the bad news. The acting was below average, most of the graphics were done sub-par, and the story was predictable.

There's a lot of bad reviews and ratings for Threads of Destiny here, and I believe they're all mistaken and/or out of line. But allow me to explain what Threads of Destiny is Threads of Destiny, is a Star Wars fan film set 96 years after the Return Of The Jedi.
