Giant from the Unknown
Giant from the Unknown (1958)

Giant from the Unknown

(62 votes)




At end of movie when Vargas breaks thru the handrail of the bridge, a few seconds later the hero is seen walking off the bridge and the handrail intact.



Saw this film and not sure what to say. The film is like a lot of films of the era in that the science is iffy and the pacing a bit slow.

Saw this film and not sure what to say. The film is like a lot of films of the era in that the science is iffy and the pacing a bit slow.

I have just seen Giant From the Unknown for the third time and I find this movie rather enjoyable.A professor and his daughter driving through the South West looking for the remains of a giant Spanish conquistador come across it at Devils Crag, a scenic landmark near a small town.

*Spoiler/plot- Giant from the Unknown, 1958. A criminal group of Spanish conquistadors leave their mark with local mountain Indians.

Giant From The Unknown is a standard classic in my collection in that I have watched it nearly a dozen times since purchasing the DVD. I like most of my generation grew up on these B-movies almost second hand through late night television shows with strange horror hosts who poked harmless fun at the pictures but really taught us to embrace the classic films usually ignored by big box office standard studios.

***SPOILERS*** A lot of strange things have been happening in and around the town of Pine Ridge that reach a breaking point for those living there when local cattleman Harold Banks was found beaten to death by what at first was suspected to be an escapee from a near mental institution. It's when professor Cleveland played by the venerable "Eternal Colonel" himself Morris Ankrum, in a rare non military role, shows up or rolled into town with his lovely and available, yes she's not married, daughter Janet, Sally Fraser, that things really started to get out of hand.

A series of animal deaths and other disasters hits a rural town. When humans start dying, a local, be-wigged, stock-native known, not-so-lovingly, as "Injun Joe" speaks of omens and portents.

This is a pretty lacking 50's monster movie from Richard E. Cunha, the man who brought us the schlocktastic female monsters and Nazis trash-fest, She Demons.

Giant from the Unknown (1958) is rather a cheap and pedestrian sci fi film with an absurd premise, lots of "stuff" happening, rather unconvincing acting, somewhat dull dialogue and a largely unimpressive "monster' character. Still, it must be said that it's perfect viewing fare for a rainy afternoon!
