The Tracker
The Tracker (1988)

The Tracker

(41 votes)





Dolph Lundgren deserves a decent script and a decent director of photography and a decent first unit director....this movie has none of those.

Mysterious is not, exciting is not, unpredictable is not, action is not, violence is not, romantic is not. This movie is typically nothing good at any aspects.

Connor "Connie" Spears (Van Dien) is a former NYC cop who moved to L.A.

The film is strange. I liked some actings, I was surprised with Elizabeth Kinnear, who I didn't know, and liked the performance of many Italian actors.

Dear Mr Lundgren, I think it's best for us all if you would decide to become a priest.... This where 90 minutes I never get back....

Can the fake babies belly be any less real? The plotline was very slow.

How can a movie be so awful and still get as far as a streaming service where unsuspecting folks like me can watch this garbage. I watched it because I like Lundgren.

The Tracker was directed by Giorgio Serafini, written by Rab Berry, Scott Mallace, and Giorgio Serafini, and stars Dolph Lundgren, Marco Mazzoli, Bruno Bilotta, Bruce McGuire, Cosimo Fusco, Marta Gastini, Elizabeth Kinnear, Vito Facciolla, and Anna Falchi. It follows a man who returns to the area of his family's death ten years ago to find out who killed them after the case is reopened with new evidence.

So I agree this is a slow starter as far as thrillers go but Dolph is great in the action scenes. A story of revenge and justice,for a loving father.
