The Sword in the Stone
The Sword in the Stone (1963)

The Sword in the Stone

(89 votes)




When Wart is climbs the small dead tree behind Kay on his hunting trip, he is wearing red tights.

In the next shot he has bare legs, but then he has his red tights again.

When Wart finds the sword in the stone he must jump the fence to get to the sword.

Once he has the sword the fence is broken and he runs back through.

When Pelinore enters the castle, he takes the glove off his left hand.

When he's passing Wart, however, his right hand is the one that is bare.

Immediately afterwards the bare hand switches back to his left.

When the sugar bowl flies to Merlin's bag, it is seen flying under the lid and spoon on the table.

After Merlin, as a goat, head butts Mim over the cliff, he is seen bleating, yet no sound is heard from him.

When Merlin is packing his bag by magic to go to the castle, the flow of items stops halfway into the bag as the sugar bowl fights with the teapot.

When Merlin says, "Where was I?" there are no items near the bag.

The camera cuts to Wart and when it goes back to Merlin, the items are back where they were.

In the scenes where it is raining outside Merlin's room at Sir Ector's castle, whenever Merlin steps in front of the window you can see the matte used to superimpose the live-action rain silhouetted over him.

The character Arthur, should have a British accent as he has grown up in England, but does not.

When Archimedes is teaching Arthur to write the alphabet, there is a point when Arthur moves to talk to Merlin and the "F" disappears then reappears in the next scene.

When Arthur as a squirrel falls on the broken tree branch after being pushed by the old lady squirrel, his mouth doesn't move the first time the yells "Help!" Throughout the entire film Wart's voice keeps on changing from being child like to adult like.

One of the easiest spots to notice this is in the throne room towards the end when Wart is trying to get somebody else to take his place.

He says "Oh! Archimedes I wish Merlin were here" in his adult voice, then the camera goes to a distant view and he calls "Merlin, Merlin" in his child voice.

When Mim is sitting at the table playing solitaire, she pulls the 3 of hearts from the deck, however the 3 of hearts is already on the table.


Boxoffice Magazine Awards 1964

Boxoffice Blue Ribbon Award
Best Picture of the Month for the Whole Family (January)

Box Office

1983 USA USD 12,000,000
USA USD 22,182,353
1 April 1983 USA USD 1,751,997 741
25 March 1983 USA USD 2,230,614 487



Decent watch, probably won't watch again, and can't recommend.Now it's been a while since I've seen this one, and now I remember why.

Nice, didactic, amusing, touching. a classical Disney respecting the old recipes.

A simple movie. Without graphic beautiful.

The Sword In The Stone is a personal favourite of all the Disney animated films. It has a number of things that make it feel rather unique including the laid back tone, lack of a true villain and how it mainly teaches lessons about life.

This movie is little good.

50 year has passed since this movie came out.It really shows it's age.

This is one of my favorite Disney movies. I've watched it since I was a little kid and a it still entertains and makes me smile to this day.

As the final completely animated movie produced before the death of Walt E. Disney himself, this was a truly grand conclusion to the Golden Age of Disney's animated films.

Walt Disney produced this animated version of the legend of King Arthur and the wizard Merlin, who in this adaptation teaches a young Arthur(nicknamed Wart!) the ways of the world, and how to read, etc.
