The Compleat Al
The Compleat Al (1985)

The Compleat Al

(33 votes)





This movie is basically just all his videos and some stuff he did on MTV with short, mildly funny skits in between. I have been trying to like Al for my entire life and I never knew why I just really didn't care about him.

This is a great movie for all Weird Al fans! Some of the funniest parts happen when Al is asking Michael Jackson for permission to do "Eat it.

I will never forget when I saw this title in the video store way back when. I was always a big Weird Al fan and when I saw this video I rented and watched it.

This is a bizzare look at Al's "life", back when he still a hyper 20-something. The (real) home videos of Al as a kid are great, and the commentary from his (real life) parents gives a nice glimpse of just how Weird Al wound up as screwed up as he is.

But it is kinda hilarious, at least if you grew up on Weird Al, like I did. It's a mockumentary about his life and career, beginning with superstardom and going back to trace the origins.

Now, I won't deny that when I purchased this off eBay, I had high expectations. This was an incredible out-of-print work from the master of comedy that I so enjoy.

If you think "Weird Al" Yankovic is hilarious, you won't be disappointed by THE COMPLEAT AL. Not only does this rare mockumentary feature many of Yankovic's more memorable videos ("Like A Surgeon" and "I Love Rocky Road" among them), but they are inter-spliced with funny vignettes supposedly highlighting the parodist's rise to fame.
