The Black Sleep
The Black Sleep (1956)

The Black Sleep

(16 votes)




When the evil doctor's last victim is uncovered, her facial muscles react visibly just before they pronounce her dead.



The Black Sleep (1956)This is one of those campy horror movies, two decades after the great originators, that fans will really love and newbies or outsiders will have trouble getting.I'm mostly a fan, but even as the titles rolled and I couldn't believe the great cast, I was aware that this was 1956, that Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney Jr.

I enjoyed The Black Sleep for its all-star cast, zany characters, slow-burn and climatic ending. A castle full of crazy people.......

Pleasantly surprised to see this movie which I had never heard of, to actually be good.Seems like _everyone_ who was someone in horror was in it(ok, V.

In THE BLACK SLEEP, brilliant brain surgeon, Sir Joel Cadman (Basil Rathbone) saves a death row inmate through the use of the titular drug, and recruits him as his assistant. The two set out to use Cadman's castle to carry out experimental brain operations.

If I went for snark more often in my reviews, I might say that "The Black Sleep" will put *you* into a black sleep. But, in truth, it's not *that* bad.

This film has all of the great devices of the horror films of the 30's and 40's and keeps the tension and fright level up in the age of the atomic bomb, partly by being set in the 19th century. You've got Basil Rathbone as a doctor living in a medieval castle who is willing to do a hundred brain surgeries if necessary to bring his sleeping beauty wife back from a brain tumor induced coma.

Entertaining mad scientist flick directed by Reginald Le Borg, notable for its cast of horror vets. Basil Rathbone plays the lead character, a surgeon whose beautiful young wife is suffering from a brain tumor.

Definitive Spook Show typical of those Mid-Fifties (Live Theatrical Come-Ons) Capitalizing on the Horror Movies of Past Glory and Iconic Actors that Fleshed them out. Today this could be Labeled a Mini-Reboot of sorts, but more Accurately a Last Gasp Glory for its Participants.

Using the exotic drug, the Black Sleep, Sir Joel Cadman (Basil Rathbone) practices brain surgery so that he can cure his wife, Angelina (Luanna Gardner). Cadman, therefore, is a sort of Dr.
