Stiletto (1969)


(15 votes)




Edgar Allan Poe Awards 1970

Best Motion Picture



The theme presented in this film has been done repeatedly in the recent past. A svelte young woman believes she has been wronged by her lover, so she seeks revenge upon all who may have been involved.

This seems to be a typical example of the movie industry, trying to push movies that are so bad, I am missing words to describe it.It had a rating of 8.

I just watched STILETTO, a film about a female assassin who is killing members of a ruthless criminal organization. One of her victims survives, a crime boss whom she shared a past with but her betrayal breaks his heart, so he hires a crooked homicide cop to track her down before the police get to her.

Here's a bad female assassin film attempting to be a cross between le femme nikita and the godfather both far superior movies.A Russian woman(Stana Katic who is actually Croatian and Serbian) as a deadly girl seeking revenge for her sisters' gang rape by a bunch of neo-Nazis somehow tied in with a Greek mafioso type played by veteran actor Tom Berenger in a Brando like Don Corleone lite.

Just watched Stiletto - great movie. Lots of action.

I was expecting very little from this, given the low rating here, but found myself pleasantly surprised. This is really a much better film than it's being given credit for.

I agree that the topic, the basic plot, brings nothing new, a hired assassin for the mob, and also a playboy, as Michael Caine in MARSEILLE CONTRACT, who wants to gets out of the organization the kind of scheme you have already seen a million times. But the late sixties atmosphere and those disenchanted characters, whose fates will lead them to a dead end, is a pure moment of delight for me.

Stiletto is a brash, ballsy love letter to schit kicking, macho 80' action flicks that fires on booze soaked, bullet ridden cylinders to bring us a pulpy tale of evil gangsters, bent cops, sleazy criminals and the deadly Eastern European femme fatale that ties them all together in the web of violence, corruption and vengeance they have stirred up. They have also stirred up her fury as well, and she descends upon them one by with the forces of hell, and the titular stiletto blade, which gets rammed, sliced and slashed across many a deserving limb or neck.

Main Flaw Low Budget attributing to shortened story telling and cheap cinematography. Knowing Stana Katic was playing lead in this movie i knew that there must be some intelligent attribute to this motion picture, having seen her other efforts previously particularly "Castle" and "Faceless".
