Mythica: The Necromancer
Mythica: The Necromancer (2015)

Mythica: The Necromancer

(20 votes)




Filmed in Utah Awards 2017

Filmed in Utah Award
Best Supporting Actress



First-off I wanted to give a warning. The ratings suddenly exploded over night with 500 new 10 star ratings and the rating jumped from 6 to 9 stars.

First two movies in Mythica series were a disaster, as far as I am concerned. The director had no idea what she was doing and was also busy penning the script it seems (explains why the script was awful as well).

Not going to bother with the story line, there really is not that much to say for it, more or less a D&D session made into a movie, with a sub-par DM as director/movie maker.Production value makes the standard Scy-Fy Channels stuff look stellar by comparison.

The movie starts pretty weakly, with the choice between killing two people and grabbing a rope versus going on a dangerous quest most certain to be followed by deceit, but I went with it.There is a new bug controlling character who was pretty interesting, but not nearly explored enough.

I'm not going too far out on a limb here saying, the Mythica series have always been like role playing sessions put into films. And...

To answer is a close call between Hercules and Marek. But on to the review.

Marek receives further training before being forced to go with her mates to find some gubbins in order to save another one of her mates,.The internal story and the overriding story blend together quite well in this episode 3.

Mythica: The Necromancer is the third chapter in Arrowstorm's epic five-part, Kickstarter-funded, fantasy saga.Once again it perfectly captures the essence of a magnificent Dungeons & Dragons-style RPG campaign, brought to life.

Now with more character depth than an average Hollywood flick. NPC-s are in fact strong and have effect on the story.
