My Tale Is Hot
My Tale Is Hot (1964)

My Tale Is Hot

(87 votes)





I wasn't really sure what to expect from this outing, because you never know what you are going to get when you watch one of these skin-flicks from the 60's, as the quality of them tends to run all over the place. But "My Tale Is Hot" is, if not a solid effort, at least stays on the right side of entertaining.

I recently got the DVD "Satanis/Sinthia" from Netflix--a particularly cheesy and not especially good collection of super-low budget films about the Devil. One is a documentary about the Church of Satan and the other is a sex film that I skipped--it just wasn't interesting and its theme of incest was just creepy.

My Tale Is Hot (1964)** 1/2 (out of 4)Strange but entertaining nudie cutie has Lucifer (Max Gardens) noticing that Ben-Hur Over (Jack Little) is a faithful man. He refuses to cheat on his wife so Lucifer pays him a visit with a wide range of beautiful women to try and make him crack.
