Love Island
Love Island (1952)

Love Island

(65 votes)





This show, like almost all "reality" shows is the biggest pile of skunk feces that I have ever attempted to watch. Nothing but narcissistic, spoiled rotten, bratty little immature boys and girls who were born with a platinum spoon in their mouths.

This show, like almost all "reality" shows is the biggest pile of skunk feces that I have ever attempted to watch. Nothing but narcissistic, spoiled rotten, bratty little immature boys and girls who were born with a platinum spoon in their mouths.

I really do not understand why people call this show 'LOVE Island' when there is no love involved. The sedition of love in the dictionary is 'an intense feeling of deep affection.

I couldn't even get through 1 episode. This is absolute trash!

This show is just like any other reality show with all these vapid people in it. The one thing I didn't get was, why were other guys crying about two guys getting kicked off the show?

I went into this show with little to no expectations and came out really enjoying it for the most part. My absolute favorite part of it is the announcer, who is incredibly hilarious throughout the entire series.

But that's just old fashioned me and my "slippery slope/decadent society/immoral hollywood/conspiracy/etc- theory. Having said that, I'm actually surprised it's not more popular.

Sad to say that the sight of Hungarian-born Eva Gabor with flowing long black hair and wearing one of Dorothy Lamour's cast-off sarongs isn't enough to save this poverty row film. It's a love story between an island girl and the Navy lieutenant who parachutes on to her beach and is intermingled with shots of Balinese culture.

If you can't sit back & enjoy this for what it is..... you have NO personality!
