Hagiga B'Snuker
Hagiga B'Snuker (1975)

Hagiga B'Snuker

(65 votes)




This old movie features a pantheon of talented performers whose careers went on to justify the public's love for them many times over-- Tuvia Tsafir, Joseph Shiloach, Mosko Alkalai, in a bit part the immensely talented and still-lamented Talia Shapira, and on the soundtrack Mati Caspi-- in his only score for a full-length film; not to mention the stars, Ze'ev Revach and Yehuda Barkan, who both proved capable of much more serious work-- Revach in particular-- but often preferred to set their sights low. Just to watch Ze'ev Revach bump into a lamppost is worth-- well, maybe not worth sitting through the film unless you're interested in bad scripts happening to good actors.

Hagiga B'Snuker (originally known as Snuker) is a fabulous movie and considered to be the best movie of Israel's cinema. It's funny and emotional and I'm just in love with this movie.

...should've known: I was all set to like Hagiga beSnooker, but it ends up it's only slightly less stupid than Charlie vaChetzi, with the same actors (Yehuda Barkan, Zeev Revach) playing sleazy scumbags trying to scam each other, one stupider and sleazier than the other, same as Charlie vaChetzi.
