Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off
Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off (2003)

Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off

(25 votes)




Hank Ogden (Mark L. Taylor) is a coach for a junior-high level community baseball team, the Groundhogs.

Honestly, I never cared for the movies produced by the modern Disney channel (I think they're calling it Zoog? Whatever that means.

This was a really good movie. The main character Eddie played by Taylor Ball did a really good job.

Very good movie. It is a good movie involving what many teenagers go through today: making the right decisions.

This movie was not as good as some Disney Channel Original Movies over the past year, but it is better than The Even Steven's Movie and The Scream Team. Orlando Brown, Taylor Ball, and Reilly McClendon were good actors.

This movie is about a boy who has a natural talent for baseball, but wants to be a cook. I love this movie!

This movie has many flaws and a pretty crappy plot line, but for some reason I liked it. It really bothered me that they showed the identical baseball play 4 times...

Maybe I'm just in the wrong age bracket to really get into this film. But for the most part I found it dull and boring.

First things first, I am so NOT one for Disney Channel Original Movies, I find them extremely annoying and most of them feature fantasy creatures or non-realstic scenarios. BUT, on Friday July 18th I sat and watched Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off and I loved it, that's right, I loved an original movie and I'm not afraid to admit it!
