Christmas in Connecticut
Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

Christmas in Connecticut

(82 votes)




Right after Sloan calls the judge and orders everyone to bed early a long shadow moves across the floor.

Felix walks into the bedroom and as he reaches for the door knob the stage lighting cast two prominent shadows of him.

Lane is practicing flipping flapjacks in the kitchen with Felix.

She throws one that sticks on the ceiling and leaves gooey batter when it falls.

On the very next flip, the ceiling is clean.

When Jones is getting ready to diaper baby "Roberta," he starts putting the folded diaper on upside down, despite his tales of being experienced in baby care.

When Felix flips the first flapjack we see it fly to the left side of the screen.

Felix then reaches to the right side of the screen to catch it.

During the square dance, right after the announcer says to do the "star" formation, Sydney Greenstreet accidentally strikes a female dancer in the face with his hand (neck and chin area) while struggling to turn his big body around.

The lady is momentarily knocked backward in a whiplash motion but maintains her poise and smile throughout.

When Dudley visits Elizabeth's apartment, shadow of boom microphone can be seen flitting about in mirror over her head.

Yardley was discussing with Sloan about his competitor getting a jump on the reader audience with a new baby, and that it was due next September.

They were discussing this at Christmas.

Elizabeth Lane's competitor in another magazine wouldn't have been pregnant yet, or just barely but no one would know.

Several days prior to Christmas, a magazine publisher says that a food writer at a rival magazine is scheduled to give birth nine months later in September, even though it would be impossible for him to know that in the third week of December.

In 1945, doctors could not detect pregnancies until four-six week after conception.



Barbara does the best she can with this total fantasy that would appeal to a 40's audience perhaps, but they could have cast it better. Greenstreet?

If nothing else, this decidedly silly, light-weight RomCom from 1945 will certainly entice you with all of its talk (as well as its presentation) of food-glorious-food. Your mouth will water at the sight of some of the delectable meals that are placed before your famished eyes.

I greatly loved this yuletide film, with excellent performances by Barbara Stanwyck and Sydney Greenstreet, and fine direction by Peter Godfrey. Had they a stronger actor in the lead than Dennis Morgan, it would be a perfect film, but it's still a wonderful Christmas perennial and favourite to watch.

This is a film that truly and nostalgically shows us the America of the 1940's, even as the two great supporting actors, Sydney Greenstreet and S. Z.

Lacking the pizazz of the original 1945 holiday classic, this is a needless remake of a perennial crowd pleaser. Dyan Cannon isn't horrible, but she's not exactly convincing as a homespun TV hostess who would be calling her local library for a recipe for ice cubes.

Barbara Stanwyck is a magazine writer of articles on being the perfect homemaker. She's the Martha Stewart of her day.

CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT is your traditional Christmas Eve tv movie, however, according to the books, it was released in the summer of 1945. Huh?

The first half of the 1940's was marked by well known performers from other film genres stepping out of character to star in what may be the last wave of remembered Hollywood screwball comedies still marketed for home viewing and seasonally aired on television. Barbara Stanwyck does her usual professional job as the hard as nails career woman fudging a domestic column for a magazine whose bluff is called in thirties type screwball involving a runaway horse and cow, mixed up babies, Cuddles Szakall stealing the show at every turn with his comic flair and a rural farmhouse which lacks the central iconic focus of every movie advertising the charm of a rural farmhouse - the welcoming, party sized period kitchen.

I found this movie disappointing. Which surprised me, because I like most of the actors and they do a decent job here.
