Yasmin Ghasiri



Yasmin Ghasiri is a Los Angeles based actor, and native of Southern California, growing up in Orange County. From an early age Yasmin was interested in the magic of imagination and make believe. Though she didn't know the term for what she wanted to be was "actor", she's always wanted to become a part of every movie she watched as a child. She was first introduced to "acting" in middle school. After being involved with theatre through high school, she attended The Claire Trevor School of the Arts at the University of California, Irvine to further her theatre studies. During her time at university, she discovered her love for film acting, lighting design, dance, and criminology. Yasmin decided to further film acting studies outside of university, instead taking advantage of UC Irvine's prestigious dance department, and excellent lighting design program. After trying out several film-acting programs, Yasmin was accepted into world renowned Joanne Barron/D.W. Brown Acting Studio, where she will have been training since July 2014.

  • Gender
  • Female





Yasmin has practiced martial arts since the age of six, training in Shaolin Kemp, Tai Chi, Shotokan Karate-do, and Kobudo (focusing on the bo staff and nunchaku). She was even invited to train for U.S. Karate nationals.

Received an appendectomy in her junior year of high school, being one of four people in her family to get appendicitis.

Sings a wide range of music from musical theatre to punk rock, though she favors blues and soul.

Is an avid tap dancer, helping to create a tap culture at her university. She is also trained in jazz dance, and has some ballet and modern dance experience.

In addition to receiving a Bachelors of Art in Drama, as well as a minor in Criminology, Law, and Society from the University of California, Irvine, Yasmin also studied a wide range of dance under The Claire Trevor School of the Arts prestigious dance program.

Along with acting, Yasmin is also a lighting designer for theatre and dance.
