Wych Kaosayananda



Thai film director

  • Primary profession
  • Cinematographer·producer·director
  • Country
  • Thailand
  • Nationality
  • Thai
  • Gender
  • Male
  • Birth date
  • 12 May 1974
  • Place of birth
  • Thailand




Made the film Fah in his native Thailand which was the highest budgeted film in the countrys history. It was a big hit and led to him helming Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever .

His all-time favorite filmmakers are Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Ridley Scott, Michael Mann, John Woo and David Fincher. Hes also a huge fan of Peter Berg, Michael Bay, Francis Ford Coppolla, Martin Scorceces, Tony Scott and Wong Kar Wai. He will always watch films by Spike Jonze, Gareth Edwards, Sofia Coppolla, Robert Zemekis and Chris Nolan.


1. Jaws. 2. Blade Runner 3. T2 4. Heat 5. The Killer 6. Bullitt 7. Last,of the Mohicans 8. Before Sunrise 9. Searching for Bobby Fischer 10.

Black Rain 11. Man on Fire 12. Batman Begins 13. Kingdom of Heaven 14.

Andre is a terrific businessman who was trying his hand in the movie,world for the first time. He really liked the final product and was,very supportive. But after a while and as I was having difficulties,selling the movie, he stepped in and brought on his friend Marcus who,is a producer working in England.

Just to be clear, Zero Tolerance is not Angels. They are two completely,different movies. Zero Tolerance is a very slick, fast moving, more,action oriented film, whereas Angels was a slow burn, character driven,drama. The actors are all the same with one new addition, but the,characters have all changed. While I would have initially preferred,Angels. I understand why this was done and fully support it.

So, in conclusion, I love Angels, but also love to eat and make a,living.

Now that I think about it, Angels was a movie where it probably needed a,brand name filmmaker behind it to be able to sell. I guess until I,create a better brand for myself, I should focus on making movies more,like Zero Tolerance which I understand and accept. ",(Kaos on making the film Angels, then reediting it into a marketable,film called Zero Tolerance).
