Shura Lipovsky



Shura Lipovsky is one of the best known singers of Yiddish/Jewish songs from Europe. A native of the Netherlands, she studied singing at the Rotterdam conservatory with Margaret Honig and Yiddish with Mira Rafalowicz and at New York University, Oxford Summer University and La Maison de la Culture Yiddish/Bibliothèque Medem in Paris. She studied dance at the Dutch institute for folkloristic dancing L.C.A. She now combines dance with Jewish mysticism. In 2005/06 she studied theatre and mime at the renowned L'École Internationale de Theatre de Jacques Lecoq in Paris. Her work focuses on artistic expression and knowledge of Yiddish culture. She creatively combines her various areas of expertise to promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Shura Lipovsky teaches master classes for singers, repertoire classes of Yiddish songs and workshops in Hassidic dance, songs and stories. She has taught and performed at university courses of Yiddish , located in the Netherlands. MwB does peace work through music and dance in countries experiencing ethnic conflicts and war. Shura has released a number of recordings including Moments of Jewish Life, Heros and Poets and, most recently, TSART.

  • Primary profession
  • Actress·composer
  • Gender
  • Female



