Shelly NunChucks Finnegan



Shelly Nun-Chucks Finnegan was born and raised in Boston Massachusetts. She grew up in and around the inner cities of Boston. As Shelly was growing up, she enjoyed a lot of her favorite idol, Jackie Chan's films. As Shelly grew into an adult, she was always seeking adventure, but due to people, she use to surround herself with, it stunted her growth as an individual and as a human being. It wasn't until her late 30's she actually had a spiritual awakening, when she first stepped into a dojo. As time went on and in the Boston Area, a lot of filming was going on, with big Hollywood films. So she went to audition for a dinner theatre, and it was Joey and Maria's Comedy Wedding. Shelly had no formal training, but could pull off a big hair, bridesmaid and could handle her own. After a while, she joined another show, the Claddagh Bing and became an original cast member. In the meantime, Shelly started going out to auditions and casting calls. One of her first films, that she was overjoyed to be part of, was the Gameplan, starring, Dwayne the Rock Johnson. She was cast as an extreme fan. Shelly Nun-Chucks Finnegan, known as "Po Do Arroz" is certified in the largest Capoeira group internationally worldwide. She has trained in Tai Chi, under Headmaster Z. Some experience in weapons include, nun-chucks, bo-staff and a few other weapons. Archery is an added plus with being part of an archery league.

  • Gender
  • Female


