Rebecca Rosen



REBECCA ROSEN, the author of the national bestseller Spirited, is a spiritual medium and has served as a bridge between the living and those who have crossed over to the other side for the last ten years.Known for her ability to provide accurate, quantitative, and detailed information, Rebecca’s graceful and healing delivery to those she reads is a testament to her accessible style and unique approach.Due to the high and growing demand for spiritual truth, Rebecca has committed herself full time to serving as a medium, and her clients often wait over three years for private readings. At her audience readings, attendees have the unique opportunity to witness profound validations of spirit communication and experience Rebecca’s presence and gift.Rebecca also educates thousands of people around the country with her seminars, lectures and workshops, always with the intention to offer guidance in one's present life, as well as opening minds and hearts to the knowing that our souls are eternal and our deceased loved ones are at peace and with us always.

  • Primary profession
  • Miscellaneous
  • Gender
  • Female





Be the light you want to attract, and darkness will have no spell over you. Darkness is dispelled by light.

Your feelings and emotions are your strongest indicator if your life is moving in a purposeful direction or not, so listen closely to how you feel.
