Ozzie Rodriguez



Ozzie has worked on film, television, internet series, and national commercials in both English and Spanish. He has also worked as a voice-over artist and an audiobook narrator for several well-known titles with Penguin Random House Audio. Ozzie is also a screenwriter and comedy sketch writer for Panties on a Budget Comedy.

  • Primary profession
  • Actor
  • Gender
  • Male





Ozzie performed in his first show at the age of 5.

Has written poetry since the age of 13. He has a total of 7 books, all with poems and songs mainly about love (or lack thereof) and the impact of his parents divorce on him.

First job was as the lovable, pizza-making rodent that everybody knows as Chuck E. Cheese.

Ozzies great-uncle in Cuba actually has a weekend sketch comedy radio show broadcasting from Havana, Cuba. On Saturdays, the frequency can be picked in some parts of Miami.

After losing 47 pounds on a faith-based exercise program called Body Gospel, Ozzie continues a workout routine consisting of cardio, boot-camp training, and pilates-yoga fusion.

Ozzie is of Cuban and Puerto Rican descent.

He had a tongue piercing for 3 years.

His earliest inspiration was Michael Jacksons "Thriller".

In high school, he was voted "Most Scholarly". He was also a runner-up for "Class Clown".

He had a tonsillectomy at the age of 3.
