Wild Men
Wild Men (2015)

Wild Men

(10 votes)



Macabre Faire Film Festival 2017

Jury Award
Best Actor - Feature Film
Best Costumes in a Feature
Best Director in a Feature
Best Editing in a Feature
Best Feature
Best Sound in a Feature
Best SPFX in a Feature
Best Supporting Actor - Feature Film
Best Supporting Actress in a Feature


Take a hilariously deadpan, very NON-Politically Correct team leader, throw in a hapless, dysfunctional film crew, add the very REAL threat of a bloodthirsty creature out there...and you get Wild Men.

There's nothing too deep to intellectualize with a movie like Wild Men. It may have something under the surface that one can try and parse out as far as meanings about the search for something one doesn't (or does) believe in, or the trauma of seeing a, you know, parent mauled by a giant Sasquatch.
