We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook
We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook (2014)

We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook

(36 votes)





Welcome to a parallel-universe: Here the moon-landings never took place. In fact, Neil Armstrong has never existed (and if he did, he must have been an actor).

Anonymous 'Journalists' (youtube conspiracy theorists:) spend almost three hours revealing how utterly detached from reality they really are. Lost count of the number of times the first two contributors managed to contradict even themselves.

I started watching this hoping it would give me more information about the tragedy. Instead all I saw was conspiracy laden drivel.

Don't watch this. If you do, you're just helping contribute to the disgusting, subhuman harassment of the victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy.

There is nothing worse in the world than the current crop of "Hoaxers" or people that immediately react to every single news story as though it is a "Hoax" or a "drill" or some other nefarious and duplicitous activity. They don't actually look at the evidence - they don't even wait for the evidence to come in.

This "film" is nothing more than a childish video rant by someone with an agenda to obtain attention on himself at the expense of the feelings of the surviving family members of a shooting. The lunatic making the film hides his face with a blackout effect so that we see a shadowed head moving from side to side narrating with no facial features because the cowards making the film didn't want their faces seen.

What really happened at Sandy Hook on December 14, 2012 ? Will we ever know ?

There is such a mountain of compelling information here. Excellent research and presentation!

Pseudo documentary by hoaxers making numerous claims that have been thoroughly debunked.
