Ghostheads (2016)


(61 votes)





It brought back so many amazing memories. I want to Thank Brendan Mertens from the bottom of my heart for spending so many countless hour on making this film.

My girlfriend and I decided to take a chance on this movie and were pleasantly surprised! Neither of us are into Ghostbusters and found it very interesting to learn the human side of how people can become so passionate about a movie.

First off, if "Sizzlegeek" is looking for his "true" Ghostheads movie, he could just get off his computer and go make his own movie about these Ghostheads. Nothing is stopping him/her, so stop wasting time by writing biased reviews and go make the movie if it's that easy.

"Ghostheads" came at just the right time to show that not all "Ghostbusters" fans are mean Internet ragebeasts. Personally, I'd walked into this movie expecting little more than a few interviews from the original creative minds (Aykroyd, Reitman, etc.

If you ever asked yourself "Who are these Ghostbusters cosplayers and why do they love this movie so much?", this surprisingly fun, positive and moving documentary explores the fandom, friendships and personal stories of the cosplayers/devotees of the classic 80s movies 'Ghostbusters' and 'Ghostbusters II' and the new reboot 'Ghostbusters (2016)'.
