Viking Legacy
Viking Legacy (2017)

Viking Legacy

(53 votes)



I'm watching on The Roku Channel. This movie is truly awful, however, there is another movie on Roku Channel right now that is equally bad - Viking War.

How I'm a deep fan from Viking culture and folklore which l had already exactly 8 titles in my collection from this fabulous Nordics, then I'd purchase this DVD without any previous reference, but around fifteen minutes l had realized it's a rubbish production, those fake fights almost in slow motion with any strength and realism, the plot is apocryphally lousy, the casting were so unskilled and didn't give any credibility to the characters, brand news props, a true careless production, between the takes in the same sequence is raining and the next take don't, well disappointed left to me keeping watching until the ending, was at stake my injured pride to caught in a trap with so many years as cinéphile, avoid it if possible!!!

Expectations admittedly were not high watching 'Viking Legacy'. It didn't look good and part of me was starting to grow tired of seeing so many idea wastes and poorly done low-budget films (believe it or not there are watchable and more ones out there which is why they still get checked out rather than avoided).

The background to the story: The Vikings had these 7 scrolls (not rings) that "gave power and prosperity to those who possessed them." But apparently not enough power as the Christians sacked the villages and took them.

Horrible just Horrible It has some OK hack and slash scenes but that's about all you get plus after 20 min of it you get the feeling that someone decided to make a movie on a Sunday and then shot the movie on Monday and finished it by Tuesday I don't see any Viking culture in this movie just some man with beards and swords a shame because the story could have resulted in a great movie maybe 5 years ago people could get away with this but now are days with the hit Series,s Vikings playing ..

I think it is enough said I have registered to document it. Maybe its production costs 23 $ or something.

I enjoyed most parts of this, good story line and an easy watch. The character of Cyneric was portrayed quite well and im not sure what other work he has done, but will definitely keep my eye out.
