Tonight Live with Steve Vizard
Tonight Live with Steve Vizard (1990)

Tonight Live with Steve Vizard

(28 votes)




Logie Awards 1992

Most Popular Light Entertainment/Comedy Male Performer


I read the other reviews here and felt I had to correct some of their idiocy.Steve Vizard began one of Australia's first late night talk shows.

This TV Show was a near carbon copy of the David Letterman show in the USA. The Letterman Show was hardly known in Australia at this time and people unknowingly believed it was an original concept.

Poor mans attempt at Letterman really. I remember being desperate to stay up late to see this when I was 12 and it's only now at 34 having watched tons of Lettterman over the years I can't help but laugh at our attempt to copy cat the style and success of the show with our own using Steve Vizard who is no way anything close to a Letterman.

Many interesting guests, many different characters that simply wouldn't work on an American show.
