The Ultimate Wave Tahiti
The Ultimate Wave Tahiti (2010)

The Ultimate Wave Tahiti

(27 votes)




This movie does not know what it wants to be: a documentary (which it is not) a travelogue, which it is not a high-tech home movie without the charm or a surf film bereft of surfing. The director was too in love with his beauty shots which run much too long.

Catch the ride and forget about the rating. Unless you are completely against surfing.

I took my 12-year old to watch this film in IMAX 3D over the weekend. Overall it was a good experience but if you are a surfing fan it helps greatly.

You don't have to be a surfing fan to enjoy this wonderful IMAX film, which beautifully shows the sites (above and below) of the gorgeous Teahupo'o beaches of Tahiti. Nine-time world champion Kelly Slater and local legend Raimana Van Bastolaer lead you on an incredible journey searching for the ultimate wave.
