The UFO Incident
The UFO Incident (1975)

The UFO Incident

(57 votes)





Worst movie ever. Just so bad.

***SPOILERS*** What has now become folklore in the UFO abduction community the story of Barney & Betty Hill, James Earl Jones & Estelle Parsons, began on the night of September 19, 1961 when US postal worker Barney Hill and his wife Betty were driving home from Canada to their home in New Hampshire and suddenly blacked out for some 2 hours in time. Having strange dreams or better yet nightmares of what happened to them during that missing time in their lives the two decided to get help by being hypnotized by psychiatrist Benjamin Simon, Bernard Hughes,and find out what exactly happened to them that fateful evening.

I saw this on TV when it came out- It was one of those stories that really affected me because somehow, I could feel the truth of it. This was probably the very first abduction story that I felt had any validity.

I remember as a teen watching this film with my best friend during the UFO craze of the 1970s. We were both starry eyed((pun intended)after watching and it convinced us both that indeed our planet was being visited by out of world beings.

This movie is very closely based on the true story. I can attest to this, because I have a unique relationship to it.

First of all, even though I'm a "UFO buff" (depending on how you use that term), I'm tired of many sides of the whole subject, because it's been such a huge, huge pop culture subject for such a long while, and between the believers and the disbelievers (especially the latter, really), you can't get away from it. But, you don't have to like the subject A BIT (either as a believer or a disbeliever) to like this movie.

This was an amazing piece of work for the 1970's. James Earl Jones added such authentic terror to the role of a person discovering forgotten incidents in this life experience, that anyone who has ever forgotten ( and then remembered, realizing they had forgotten) will find this portrayal chilling and unforgettable.

Had this movie storyline been fiction it would be among the best SiFi entertainments ever. But it depicts a REAL event!

A TV movie based on Betty and Barney Hill, who claim to have encountered aliens. The film mostly involves the couple consulting psychiatrist Barnard Hughes who gets the full story out of them via hypnosis.
