The Ten Commandments: The Musical
The Ten Commandments: The Musical (2006)

The Ten Commandments: The Musical

(30 votes)





I'm another one who saw the original production. Embarrassingly bad, though with one or two decent songs, as I recall.

This was a bit of a fiasco. But there was one singer that's voice was so unbelievable.

This film/musical is absolutely atrocious. It's nothing but a long collection of drawn-out, uncreative, boring, canned songs with pretty much every cliché lyric in the book.

This could very well be the worst piece of musical theater ever preserved on film. "Highlights" include the Egyptian who Moses stabs coming out to the scene with the knife visibly already in his belly, all the closeups of Kilmer's gut, a Hebrew apparently having a seizure as Miriam sings "Horns of Jericho", the song Horns of Jericho itself, as that story doesn't even happen until after Moses' death, and the fact that outside of Moses, Ramses, Joshua and Aaron no character's name is ever mentioned, leaving you to guess who is who.

At first I thought this is was going to be funny. Just the idea of Val Kilmer in a musical about the Ten Commandments made me wonder.

I was very excited to see that another Broadway musical had come out on DVD, but I had no idea what to expect. Thankfully, I was greatly surprised to see a wonderful story told in a musical way for a family to enjoy.

This is the WORST musical ever made, for film or stage. First off it's COMPLETELY biblically inaccurate.

I rented this movie from Blockbuster about a month ago, and still have yet to return it. I absolutely loved it.

We saw it at the Kodak with a friend in the show. HORRIBLE!
