The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper
The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper (1988)

The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper

(84 votes)





THE SECRET IDENTITY OF JACK THE RIPPER is a 1988 television movie aiming to provide a fresh look at the facts and theories behind the infamous Whitechapel murders. It's an odd little concoction of reenactment footage, news-style reporting, and round-table debate chaired by the delightful Peter Ustinov.

This may have been considered cutting edge in terms of information and production in 1988; in 2010 it's best used as a Ripperologist drinking-game for those stout of liver.Yes, there is an impressive list of experts (and Jan Leeming) on-board, but instead of Agatha Christie we get Peter Ustinov hopefully speaking for all concerned, with the gravitas of someone more mindful of whether their cheque has cleared yet and if anyone outside the US need ever watch.

This is an extremely interesting documentary on jack the ripper and who he really was.the difference is this documentary also has a panel of experts who weigh in on the subject,and give their opinions of who the killer was.

This is a documentary of the famous unsolved case of 1888 in the Whitechapel district of London. After a brief summary of the case, the program structure alternates between three major elements.
