The Quarantine Hauntings
The Quarantine Hauntings (2015)

The Quarantine Hauntings

(24 votes)





Another mindless teen "horror" flick, much of which consists of a group of decidedly non-interesting kids traversing some decidedly non-spooky terrain (despite having been shot in "the most haunted place in Australia") while tentatively calling out each other's names.The home they spend much of their time in seems like some kind of bunker, but what's the point of constantly recording every inch of it on security cameras if none of the characters EVER looks at a monitor to notice the peculiar (though not particularly original) goings on?

I love all things Q Station. A few good jump scares and totally engrossed.

Wow, loved it. In the edge of my seat, and great shock value.

Looks scary AF, can't wait to watch it! Was this filmed at Q Station?

THE QUARANTINE HAUNTINGS is an indie horror flick from Australia, mostly set inside a single building (a quarantine station, whatever that is). A bunch of kids hole up there and attempt to solve some strange events, and a lot of it is recorded by CCTV and the like so that it becomes a found footage film at times.

A group of teenagers, led by the troubled Jasmine (Lauren Clark), conjure up the spirit of an equally troubled ghost in The Quarantine Hauntings. What follows is an interesting contemporary Australian horror film mixing Blair Witch-type found footage, creepy surveillance shots that parallel Paranormal Activity and some Tarantino-style grindhouse scenes of girls kicking ass.

Supposedly based on a true account, this movie is absolutely appalling, from the opening credits, listing about 50 local NSW Australian companies who sponsored it that go on forever, to the poor acting, lighting, story line, and plot. One of the sponsors is an acting school, local to where it was shot, which suggests a lot about how bad this movie is.
