The Melancholy Fantastic
The Melancholy Fantastic (2011)

The Melancholy Fantastic

(23 votes)





A good performance from the lead (Amy Crowdies), and her journey is certainly interesting, but it is difficult to know what we are expected to take from the film. In linear terms, is the story just Amy's reaction to her own grief?

Melanie Crow (Amy Crowdis) lives in the town of Hope. Her parents are dead, with her mother being a recent death.

When I stumbled upon "Doll in the Dark" (aka "Melancholy Fantastic") I hadn't heard about the movie, I didn't know who was in it, nor did I know what it was about. I liked the movie's cover and the fact that it looked to be a horror or thriller had me interested.

The Melancholy Fantastic is a pleasure to watch. The cinematography is beautiful and holds your interest, even during the few moments when the pace of the movie slows down.
