The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery
The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery (1975)

The Manchu Eagle Murder Caper Mystery

(20 votes)





Out of the vast video vortex of forgotten films every so often a movie emerges that is so outstandingly outrageous that instant "cult status" should be awarded. This is a comedy that can only be described as part Woody Allen, part Paul Bartel, and insanely funny.

Gabriel Dell is the owner of a chicken hatchery who wants to be a private eye. When a local man is killed by an arrow, he is hired by the widow to investigate.

It's a parody of The Maltese Falcon. Must pay attention to the clever humor.

If you want a classic this is it.try it you'll like it.

Gabriel Dell and Huntz Hall, original members of the Broadway stage play Dead End (1935) and the film version two years later, reteamed as a successful nightclub comedy act in the seventies after a successful run in several film series during the 30's, 40's, and 50's which included the Dead End Kids, Little Tough Guys, The East Side Kids, and The Bowery Boys. This "reunion" film died at the box office and though it has moments of hilarity, I recommend it for fans of the Dead End Kids/Bowery Boys only.

This movie is not a Dead End Kids reunion, although both Huntz Hall and Gabriel Dell are in it. It is instead a warped 1970s version of a film noir with utterly bizarre comic elements that hit you more with each viewing.
