The Hunting of the Snark
The Hunting of the Snark (1987)

The Hunting of the Snark

(47 votes)





How I did not know about this work for such a long time is a mystery but having found it through a Moody Blues fan page on Facebook I can say without a doubt it is a brilliant performance. The Hunting of the Snark has always been a favorite of mine and its translation to the stage is inspired.

Mike Batt's Hunting Of The Snark is a brilliant piece of work and this version which was performed for charity has Justin Hayward in the role of the "butcher" and Billy Connolly as the "bellman". I saw this when it was televised many years ago now,and I can't believe it's never come out on video or DVD, I'm just glad I taped it at the time although the copy I have is rather the worse for wear now.

We watched this concert version of the Hunting of the Snark on TV, and wish we had taped it. The music is very singable and the lyrics effortlessly capture the essence of the poem.

We also taped the "The Hunting of the Snark" and it is a little the worse for wear, but much loved. We have watched it often with our children (and now our grandchildren) and would love to see a copy released on DVD or Video.
