The Hunt for Gollum
The Hunt for Gollum (2009)

The Hunt for Gollum

(51 votes)




(at around 50 mins) When Aragorn is hiding behind a rock, a camera lens can be seen at the left side of the screen.

Aragon's arrows are clearly fake.

The grooves don't look authentic.

The size and look of Gollum keeps changing depending on camera angle.

Modern buildings are briefly visible in the woods at 13:11, 13:43, 19:23.


Balticon Film Festival 2009

Festival Prize
Best Live Action



On a budget of 3 grand the quality of this film is fantastic, though the wigs leave much to be desired. But it adds to the charm.

OK first off the actor for aragorn wasn't enigmatic enough for me, he wasn't the best choice for the part. he didn't have the same charisma as viggo mortensen (which is expected to be honest) but the actor chosen just wasn't powerful enough.

An extremely well made film by the fans of The Lord of the Rings, both the book & Peter Jackson's film, The Hunt for Gollum is a 40 minute fan-made feature that showcases the 17 years between Gandalf the Grey leaving the Shire to his return to save Frodo Baggins after learning about the magical ring of Bilbo that Frodo has now inherited. It presents the events that was presents in the book but was skipped over by Jackson's film and concerns Gandalf meeting with Aragorn to hunt for the creature Gollum before the enemy finds it & learns the truth.

This fan film starring British actor Adrian Webster as Aragorn is a prequel to the Lord of the Rings. With some well choreographed action, a strong soundtrack and overall powerful presentation, The Hunt for Gollum is a solid film worth your time.

I believe in America the meaning of the English phrase 'pound for pound' translates. It basically means how good something is for how much it is, the term was coined for boxers, whom may have not been the biggest, may have been 'pound for pound' better than their adversaries.

This is a short film written and directed by Chris Bouchard that cost £3,000 to produce which begs the question how does the average Hollywood cost thousands upon thousands of times thus ? Okay it's an amateur film with a run time of 38 minutes but even so if it was three times longer this would mean it would cost £9,000 .

I was skeptical of this film at first, fearing that a LOTR wannabe had gotten hold of a camera and had put together a less-than-stellar movie with a title that would rope in many fans of the classic trilogy. Upon reading a few reviews that lauded the film, despite its meager budget, I decided to watch it.

Considering this was done on 1/100,000th of any other films catering budget, it is good to look at but there are a few grating mistakes in dialogue that irked me, costing it a star. When Aragorn meets Arithir, he claims to have heard the name Strider and that he's a "Ranger of Arnor".

Here's a film worth skipping, even though it is a short. But nevertheless, the team shouldn't give up on future works.
