The Fly
The Fly (1958)

The Fly

(20 votes)




When the fly is first revealed in the spider's web, when Vincent Price's character is unaware, you see the fly struggling in the web.

The string used to make the fly shake is visible.

Just before they go to the ballet, Andre and Helene share a kiss near the telephone in their home.

At the beginning of the kiss, both of them had their heads tilted to the right.

When the camera zoomed in, they were suddenly tilting their heads to the left.

Helen and her Son Phillipe try to catch the fly by spreading sugar on the table and the fly goes straight for it.

Flies are not be attracted to refined crystalline sugar that has no evolutionary connection.

A fly's vision is not comprised of several different images like we see in the film.

When Helene goes to see Andre as he lays on the chaise longue, they talk about how happy they are that spring has come.

The background is full, lush green foliage, which definitely would not happen anywhere near Montreal.

Helene's hands change position when she is drinking tea while talking to the police.

For Andre to type so fluently, and without any errors, with both a dark cloth often over his head and with his newly-acquired insect-vision is highly unbelievable.

After Helene faints in the laboratory a sofa-bed suddenly, and conveniently, appears next to Andre's desk for her to be carried to.


Hugo Awards 1959

Best Dramatic Presentation

Box Office

USA USD 3,000,000



This movie is extremely memorable. The being is incredibly unsettling and iconic.

I first saw this film in July with my father and sister. I knew it was going to get bad.

David Cronenberg is well-known for his incredibly repulsive films, and this one has to his most revolting film he's ever done! You really need to see "The Fly" to truly believe it.

"THE FLY" (1958, Neumann) has not aged well. It tries too hard to tell us that these are wonderful people to ramp up our sympathies when the tragedy comes but for me I was not convinced.

Horror movies put their audience through a lot. They jump and scream, and their heart races throughout.

I would love to read the childrens book, "Brundle Fly". I can already see the horrified expressions on the kids faces.

The smart get smarter and the dumb get dumber. For the last 30 years, artists have ceased to be the heralds of culture.

"The Fly" is better than the original film, a twisted love story. Cronenberg brought a new great body horror movie.
