The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark
The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark (2007)

The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark

(37 votes)





Because Rue McClanahan died today, I decided to finally watch this sleazy grindhouse fare she made in the '60s, not to dishonor her memory, but to honor that she made it past this period to get great roles in "Maude" and, especially, "The Golden Girls". This is the first time I've also watched "The Film Crew", a post-"MST3K" project created by and starring Mike Nelson, Bill Corbett, and Kevin Murphy.

Three of the minds responsible for one of the funniest shows ever created (Mystery science theatre 3000) return to riffing with this effort that clearly shows they have lost none of their edge.Bill Crobett, Mike Nelson and Kevin Murphy play the challenging roles of three guys named Bill, Mike and Kevin who are 'The film crew'.

This movie was beyond bad; the planks on the walkway had more personality. Were it not for some kind soul defining the "plot" of this piece, I never would have picked it up.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a staple for many. When it went off the air, we searched for an outlet.

The Film Crew: Hollywood After Dark: 7 out of 10: Since the cancellation of the beloved Mystery Science Theater 3000 (greatest show ever), fans have been waiting for a comeback.The short-lived Film Crew is just that.
