Suicide Squad
Suicide Squad (1935)

Suicide Squad

(10 votes)





I read the premise and read the reviews when this film came out, so I decided to give it a pass. Nothing about it captured my interest.

I feel like this movie was hated too much. It got mainly 1-4 stars when people reviewed it and I feel that was a little harsh.

This movie is a complete waste of time,don't you ever make the mistake ,to watch it ...

So, I like superhero movies, but I'm not a true fan of them. I like more super villain movies than super hero movies, such as Joker.

Not sure how they got both Margot Robbie and will smith to agree to act in this movie. The special effect budget also must have been somewhat between 6-8 dollars max..

I really liked the characterizations in this movie. The actors did a great job capturing their characters.

I don't understand why this movie have lower rate than Justice League.It became one of my favourite movies.

Great movie Margot Robbie, Magnificent, Amazing, etc ,no word to describe her in this movie.

DC Comics had the opportunity to explore a new side of the villains introducing the suicide squad, it one that was based on HQ series, but as Batman vs Superman, it was a disaster. After a nice opening introducing with a very special Queen's song and interesting cut scenes, they barely failed with presenting a non-sense movie story.
