Some Will, Some Won't
Some Will, Some Won't (1970)

Some Will, Some Won't

(18 votes)




This film is frankly the totally unnecessary remake of the movie Laughter in Paradise, I simply have to ask why the hell did they bother?Are there any possible reason for remaking any film?

SOME WILL, SOME WON'T is a British ensemble comedy that may feel quite old-fashioned for 1970; the reason is that it's a remake of an old '50s comedy flick so there's a definite familiar and slightly weary feel to the plot. A cameoing Wilfrid Brambell goes crazy and dies at the beginning, but leaves his four cousins a series of bizarre obligations they must fulfil if they hope to get a slice of his massive will.

Why did they bother? Laughter In Paradise is a classic, charming British comedy.

This was one of the last films made by Associated British Picture Corporation before it was acquired by EMI.In the last decade of their existence they made unambitious films like this.

By the late '60's/early '70's, the hey-day of British comedy films was well and truly over. Though they continued to be made, their chief inspiration was television.

While this remake fails to come up to the standard of 'Laughter In Paradise', this is an OK effort.Probably its greatest weakness is that it adheres too closely to the narrative structure of 'Laughter in Paradise' which for its memorable bits (mainly involving Alistair Sim) had some flat spots.

The film is a very bad remake of Laughter in Paradise, with all the subtlety left out and some crude slapstick put in. It is hard on the actors to be compared with their illustrious predecessors but though they are capable of wonderful performances in other films they are awful in comparison with the actors in Laughter in Paradise.
