Sole Survivor
Sole Survivor (1970)

Sole Survivor

(82 votes)





This is one of the great ones. William Shatner is at his best with whipping off his glasses (first ever...

Here is a very interesting, low key but haunting horror film.Two of us watched this and when it was over we both said, "Wow!

SOLE SURVIVOR stars Anita Skinner as Denise Watson, who becomes the title character after her involvement in a catastrophic plane crash. Later, everything appears to get back to normal, until Denise begins to encounter what appear to be walking corpses.

The subject of many inquiring posts on IMDb's old 'I Need To Know' message board, Sole Survivor might seem eerily familiar to fans of Final Destination (2000): the creators of that film definitely had this spooky '80s chiller in mind while writing their script.Sole Survivor stars Anita Skinner as TV station worker Denise Watson, who is the only survivor of a plane crash, the disaster predicted by psychic actress Karla Davis (Caren L.

I found this movie in a list of ghost movies, but it is not really a ghost-story. I mean: the usual story in which the protagonist is afraid of the ghosts, who are making their presence felt more and more, and suddenly appear looking very scary, making you jump.

Survivor 1: "Sometimes the darkness can really pull you down." Survivor 2: "I know, I've been there.

I saw this movie when I was a 10yo boy and never forgot it. When I have seen again I had the same satisfaction : a very good movie with psychological questions, good quotes and the surprising (and melancholic) finale.

It has been years since I saw this film, but it has always stood out as a great story about the planes and crews of World War II who never returned from their missions.Is it possible that the crews of these lost planes might be ghosts, hoping that one day they will be found so their spirits can be put to rest?

Sadly, there are many plane crashes in this world. Plane crashes have caused many casualties and destruction and sometimes that makes us question flying but one thing that has come out of some plane crashes are sole survivors.
