Sister, Sister
Sister, Sister (1982)

Sister, Sister

(16 votes)





Awwwww my this brings back memories of me as a kid growing up watching this show all the time.

Sister Sister really takes me back to my life in the 90's! It was a unique show which went from strength to strength, with a simple formula, good plot lines and very strong character types.

Aftrr they added those other characters ur went downhill. The family and Rogervwetebgreat.

I grew up watching this and absolutely loved the earlier seasons. I kind of wish they had ended it when they left high school.

How is this rated so low, I mean once again i'm a kid and I usually don't like old things like this but this show was funny, I don't get how this is rated so low. Some parts were hella cringy but it's cool.

I think deserves better ratings than it got. Brings me back to my childhood.

I recently was watching "Bad News Bears" with Vic Morrow, and realized how much his daughter, Jennifer Jason Leigh, is now resembling him as she approaches the age he was when he died. So I looked up one of her older movies, just for fun viewing, and found this one on Netflix streaming movies.

I liked this show when it aired. The whole premise of twins that are separated and then reunited by accident is done with funny class.

Two sisters (Judith Ivey and Jennifer Jason Leigh) turn their family mansion in Louisiana into a guest house. One of their guests (a young Eric Stoltz) is an aide to a congressman, and turns their lives inside out.
