Shadow Bound
Shadow Bound (2013)

Shadow Bound

(61 votes)




International Academy of Web Television Awards 2014

Best Cinematography



With 1998's unfortunate "A Place to Grow," 2008's competent yet all too ambiguous "Apollo," 2011's absurd "180," and the promising yet ultimately underwhelming 2012 web series "Epilogue," it's safe to say that Springfield, Missouri has seen a mixed bag of local productions, with none yet to truly qualify as a hit. With 2013's silent horror web series "Shadow Bound," writer, director, executive producer, star (polymath?

A stylized black and white horror web series with an excellent musical score that keeps you in suspense and brings you to another world. Lots of interesting monsters visuals and surprises.

This is a great throwback to the style of silent movies. The story appears to be set in the '20's or '30's and the theme makes it a great one for horror movie-goer's eye's to take in.

Nicely done web series if you like a good black & white silent film, which I confess I do ;)Many attempts at silent films today often fail as the acting has to be physical, you can't just rely on facial expressions & a queue card. Here the actors do the right thing emoting with everything they have.
