Quick, Let's Get Married
Quick, Let's Get Married (1964)

Quick, Let's Get Married

(93 votes)



Known in Ginger Rogers career as the movie that was barely even released, it had slight big screen showings in both 1964 and 1971, and basically remains forgotten. There is a reason for that the movie is simply just terrible.

Ginger Rogers and Ray Milland in a sleazy comedy/drama story about prostitutes in a brothel owned and managed by Ginger. A scam by con man Ray convinces the villagers that a Saint's statue has miraculous powers.

I never knew of this film with Ray Milland but came across it on youtube. It is a cute film with a nostalgic pairing of Ray Milland and Ginger Rogers.

In a beleaguered Spanish village, an unwed prostitute in the family way believes her prayers to an aged statue of St. Joseph were answered after she hears his voice and awakens from a faint in possession of gold coins.

QUICK, LET'S GET MARRIED looks like the cheapest film Ginger Rogers had appeared in since, oh, THE THIRTEENTH GUEST or something like that. It was barely shown in theaters, and then only years after it was made (my guess is that Elliot Gould's later success got it whatever play it did have).
