Our Wild Hearts
Our Wild Hearts (2013)

Our Wild Hearts

(37 votes)





This is a wonderful family movie that I stumbled on to. It was uplifting and inspiring.

The film was marred by all the protagonists wearing make-up, whether day or night. Is it really credible that our heroine would have had the time, let alone the inclination, to worry about her appearance?

Who in the world breaks a horse by tying up its front legs and leaving it lay on the ground like that overnight?!? I have never known of anyone doing that in the real world.

A really enjoyable Family movie. The 2nd highest rated Hallmark movie channel movie ever.

Our Wild Hearts is a Schroeder family affair. Ricky directs it and also co-wrote it with his wife.

**Spoiler** I wanted to love this movie. After all, who doesn't love Ricky Schroder and horses?
