No Way Back
No Way Back (1949)

No Way Back

(43 votes)




This film's title, while descriptive of its story, is also a subtle taunt to the viewer for having wasted their time. "No Way Back" is stale, brainless, and just not that fun.

The first couple of reels lead you to believe that this is going to be another of the boxing dramas which were popular at the time.Although the portrayal of John Sales as a boxing promoter is badly acted and shifts of anti semitism.

Crime drama / Comedy lots of humorous moments. Crow does a good job both serious & funny.

In 1995 this would have been categorized as "straight to video." It's being promoted today because it's an "early" Russell Crowe movie.

For reasons hidden somewhere in my subconscious, I enjoyed this ultra-low budget blaxploitation tale of a black private detective on the trail of a missing banker with a stash of stolen money, which basically serves as a vanity outing for director, producer, and star Fred Williamson. Every second of the screen time is devoted to Williamson's unstoppable P.

I'm always on the hunt for overlooked 80's and 90's action thrillers and cop movies and i found No Way Back. I like Russell Crowe, he looks serious on the DVD cover wearing a suit pointing a gun and it's rated "18" so i'm thinking it's going to be a gritty and violent detective thriller.

A raw little drama enhanced by excellent location work by cameraman Robert Navarro of London in the winter of 1949 still bearing the scars of the blitz and the burden of postwar austerity.Produced and co.

My suspicions that the 1990s were the worst decade for film are confirmed with this absolutely atrocious travelogue-cum-thriller which wastes the talents of rising star Russell Crowe in an painfully awful piece of predictable filmmaking. Writer/director Frank A.

Unfortunately, documentary filmmaker Stefan Osieki's foray into fictional form results in a lacklustre addition to the U.K.
