Medal of Victory
Medal of Victory (2016)

Medal of Victory

(17 votes)




I first saw Medal of Victory at the Wisconsin Film Festival, and then in a theater. This satirical comedy is set in rural Wisconsin, where a series of madcap escapades and mistaken identities ensue.

With the exceptions of the performances by Richard Riehle & Jack O'Connell, this movie begs to be forgotten. The humor is thin and the writing is something that makes Ed Wood seem like a genius.

Medal of Victory is a very funny film, but better yet it is an original story that delivers the comedic goods in a unique way. This film begins one way and really ends up taking you down a path that you don't expect.

Pros: Beautiful cinematography, with enough time given to each shot to not feel rushed while at the same time moving the story along. - Acting was very good, with strong performances from each of the lead actors.

There's really no other movie quite like this. It's like a happy shot of oxygen.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film! Genuinely funny, packed with clever twists and turns, and full of wonderfully quirky characters.

Floyd McMasters (Will Blomker) and Stu Cutshaw (Mason Hill) are in the army at a shipping center. Due to a mix up they send a crate of fusion triggers to starving Malawi instead of food.
