Me, Myself and I
Me, Myself and I (1989)

Me, Myself and I

(15 votes)





Too bad it was under-promoted and then cancelled. It was a little hard to follow at first but then it grew on me and I really enjoyed the ongoing themes.

This short film was created by Corey Haim and his handlers in an attempt to restart his career following various drug scandals that surfaced about him in the late 1980s that burned a lot of his bridges in Hollywood. I think it was supposed to be both an apology letter and an audition tape to film producers and casting agents.

Around the late eighties news about Corey Haim's drug use was starting to circulate, and teen girls across the US were worried he was on his way to getting into serious trouble. Corey Haim: Me, Myself and I is Corey's attempt to take you in the scripted life of the actor himself.

It's unusual for me to get immediately hooked on a sitcom. That being said I was on board for the ride from the first episode!

I just binge watched first 10 episodes...It's refreshingly new idea.

I thought that the show was on hiatus. I've now come to learn that it has been canceled.

Awful, don't waste your time and money, I dont' recommend, just awful.

This is three points in the life of nerdy inventor Alex Riley. In 1991 at age 14, he moves to California after his stewardess mother marries airline pilot Ron.

Told throughout 3 times if his life, this is a fun, heartfelt, amazingly acted, touching comedy that, in my opinion, ended too soon. I grew to love the characters, hoping for the best for them, feeling pull on my heartstrings when life would go from the up' to the down's.
