Marvelous Mandy
Marvelous Mandy (2016)

Marvelous Mandy

(67 votes)




Marvelous Mandy has flaws to be sure, but even some of Hollywood's biggest films aren't perfect. Director, Producer and Co-Star Chase Dudley clearing gets his point across in this motion picture and makes for an unsettling and chilling mood in the storyline.

Watching horror films isn't my thing, but I enjoy thrillers, and Marvelous Mandy was definitely that and much more. Watching Mandy's (Paula Solinger) life spiral downward as she tries to put together a perfect life was intriguing.

This film totally grips at the reality of loneliness, and how we do just about anything to be loved. Mandy channels just the right amount of "crazy".

Director Chase Dudley Molds & Brings to Life the Magnificent Horror/Slasher/Psycho-Drama "Marvelous Mandy" !!! Paula Marcenaro Solinger gives a Brilliant Performance as the scheming, manipulative Sociopath "Mandy" Her Acting is Spot-On & Her Facial Expressions, Twitches, & Ticks are Perfect for her Portrayal .

If your one of the many movie goers out there that are seeking a new fresh direction in movies with nuances of those old 90's thrillers, then you my fellow movie buffs are in the right spot! This movie has the essence of the 90's thriller Misery,and as you know Misery loves company so my suggestion is to snuggle up with your favorite someone and snag yourself a copy today..

Really enjoyed the pace of this film, and watching Marvelous Mandy, as in the character played by Paula Solinger, as she becomes unraveled. The movie surprised me with how well it established a creepy undertone, and built tension.

I was pleasantly surprised after viewing this movie. The acting of the principles was superb; the story was very interesting and real-to-life and given the budget, it was amazing it even got made.

I always like checking out new independent horror films. A lot of them can be somewhat of a letdown, but every now and then you can happen across one that is a true gem!

Let's start by saying this review won't have spoilers in it , as I always believe you cannot be subjective if you don't view a film in its entirety. For me this film was a clever intertwining of unfortunate dullard single dad Harvey's life with that of false and psychotic 'Mandy' Simpkins , a children's author.
