Kraft Salutes Disneyland's 25th Anniversary
Kraft Salutes Disneyland's 25th Anniversary (1980)

Kraft Salutes Disneyland's 25th Anniversary

(39 votes)




I remember watching this live when I was 10 years old. My lasting image of it is of my beloved Danny Kaye dressed in a cruddy wizard costume shilling this little kid about Disneyland and how great it was.

It feels like a hasty production, but seems to successfully capture Disneyland of 1980. Danny Kaye looks a little haggard and not really into it, but does a passable job.

I saw this aired on The Wonderful World of Disney a few nights ago...and i must admit that it was a rather boring special, except for the very funny Danny Kaye, most of this was just crappy singing (with preformances by the osmond brothers and michael jackson before he got weird).
