Kathryn Upside Down
Kathryn Upside Down (2016)

Kathryn Upside Down

(73 votes)



I fail to understand people who give films a 10/10 have they literally no benchmark? Scoring to me should be based on great highly scoring films like Shawshank or The Godfather exceptional films worthy of a 9 or 10 in my book.

Director/Writer/Actor: Allie Loukas pulls the stops out for the first half of this movie! It's humorous and enjoyable with both likeable oddball and seriously unlikeable characters.

Simply outstanding and i loved the method acting of Allie.

Someone recommended this film to me on Reddit and I felt compelled to leave a review, even though I've never left one on imdb before. This movie was not only great, it stuck with me.

Watched this last night after a friend recommended it, loved it!

I watched this film as a recommendation by a friend. Having looked it up here on IMDb first I was a bit concerned as it was a first for Allie Loukas in every sense of the word.

This movie teaches an avid viewer what a bad screenplay can do to even good actors and eventually your time. Totally a waste of opportunity with a refreshing storyline.

Very cute movie with an even plot, Kathryn was a great actor also liked Raymundo I have watched 4 times so far!!!

Great movie! So hard to find great comedies now!
