Jump In!
Jump In! (2007)

Jump In!

(70 votes)




Association for Library Service to Children 2008

Andrew Carnegie Medal

Humanitas Prize 2007

Humanitas Prize
Children's Live-Action Category

Teen Choice Awards 2007

Teen Choice Award
Choice TV: Movie



Jump In is great! It tells an amazing story about doing what you love no matter what other people say.

I remember tuning in and seeing this when it first came on TV. I was worth my time back then, and seeing it again, I can still feel the Nostalgia.

I must say that the detailed explanation of lobo girl, pretty much said it all. i was not impressed with this movie for it lacked fundamental points in order for a movie to succeed.

This movie remains, as one of favorites, to this day! It's so amazing, and it presents a great story on Black people, in the context of jump rope.

It's fun to watch the Jump Roping scenes. It's amazing to watch these kids do what I could only dream of doing.

To be honest, my dad was going to work when he accidentally saw the movie on TV. And he was almost late for work because of it.

Previews of HSM's Corbin Bleu jumping double dutch made us want to catch the replay broadcast of this Disney Original Movie. I never really thought that double dutch is a serious sport for some people.

I thought this movie was OK... I mean it was everything I would've expected, but from the previews they kind of gave most of it away...

I thought the movie was a very good family movie. Corbin & Keke did a great job.
