It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown
It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown (1969)

It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown

(96 votes)





I hope everyone had a nice Summer, though it wasn't a typical one for many. I'd just like to review an underrated gem in the Charlie Brown specials, It Was A Short Summer, Charlie Brown, originally aired in September of 1969.

Sixth animated special based on the cartoon strips of Charles M. Schulz deals with Charlie Brown's attempts to write a report on what he did this past summer, and Charlie tells how Lucy signed everyone up for summer camp, where it was the boys against the girls, and the girls won every time, until the last match, which was an arm-wrestling competition between Lucy and the Masked Marvel(Snoopy) that ends quite unexpectedly, but decisively.

One of the lesser known of the "Charlie Brown" shorts, but that doesn't make this story a bad one. In fact, it's downright entertaining and funny.

"It Was a Short Summer, Charlie Brown" is an American animated short film from 1969, so this one will soon have its 50th anniversary. The title already gives away that this is another Peanuts work by Melendez and Schulz of course, one of the earlier films obviously.

The one where Snoopy, dressed as the Masked Marvel, would arm wrestle Lucy at the end, while the infamously recognizeable Peanuts music (actually called Linus and Lucy's theme) played over the competition.What a fight.
